Have you developed new resources/reports or have innovative case studies you think would be relevant to the field? Send them to us for consideration!
Resources by Topic
Take Down Tobacco
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
The signature platform of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to empowering young people to fight Big Tobacco. Alongside a movement of elected leaders, parents, teachers, healthcare providers and advocates, they ensure young people have a seat at the table as we work together toward a tobacco-free generation.
N-O-T Teen Smoking and Vaping Cessation Program
America Lung Association
N-O-T was designed with teenagers in mind and addresses issues that are specifically important to them. The program takes a holistic approach with each session using different interactive learning strategies based on Social Cognitive Theory of behavior change that can then be applied and practiced in everyday life and encourages a voluntary change for youth ages 14 to 19.
National Youth Cessation Repository
American College of Preventive Medicine
Through this page, parents, educators, healthcare professionals and others who work with young people can find the latest information, resources, and programs created specifically for youth tobacco cessation.
Truth Quit Smoking and Vaping Tools
Truth Initiative
What You Can Do to Protect Youth From the Harms of Vaping
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Learn more about e-cigarettes and how to have productive conversations with young people about staying tobacco- and vape-free.
State Fact Sheets
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Collection of resources and guidance documents to help inform effective tobacco prevention and control programs.
Statement from the World Health Organization on Tobacco Use and COVID-19
World Health Organization
The official statement of the World Health Organization on how smoking tobacco increases the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus.
Kansas Vape-Free Schools Toolkit
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
There are many ways to address the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices among youth in school environments. This page provides various tools and resources to help educators and school administrators.
Tobacco-Free Schools Toolkit
American Heart Association
Toolkit designed to help school districts respond to the youth tobacco/vaping epidemic. It assists schools in creating a tobacco-free environment that helps prevent students from using tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, and support students who need help quitting.
Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
Stanford University School of Medicine
The Tobacco Prevention Toolkit (TPT) is a research-informed and validated set of curriculums to help prevent students from starting or escalating use of any tobacco product.
Stanford REACH Lab
Stanford University School of Medicine
The REACH lab offers FREE evidence-based curriculums and resources to prevent and reduce use of all tobacco/e-cigarette/nicotine products, all cannabis products, and all other drugs.
You & Me, Together Vape-Free Curriculum
Stanford University School of Medicine
Part of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit, this is an interactive learning program designed for elementary, middle and high school students, in collaboration with youth, educators and scientists. It comprises 6 prevention lessons that are geared for in-classroom instruction.
Click here to access the one-page flyer that provides an overview.
Stanford REACH Lab flyer
Stanford University School of Medicine
One page document that shows all of the curriculum and intervention resources the REACH lab has to offer.
You & Me Together Vape-Free (Spanish Version)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Tú y Yo, Juntos sin Vapeo, the full curriculum available in Spanish. Click here to access the one-page flyer that provides an overview.
Smart Talk: Cannabis Prevention & Awareness Curriculum
Stanford University School of Medicine
Part of the Stanford Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Toolkit, this is an interactive learning program designed for middle school students, in collaboration with youth, educators and scientists. It comprises 5 lessons that are geared for in-classroom instruction. (Elementary school, high school and Spanish versions coming soon!)
Healthy Futures – Intervention Curriculum (Alternative-to-Suspension)
Stanford University School of Medicine
This program is geared for students who have been caught using e-cigarettes OR cannabis and/or for any students who are interested in trying to quit. This program is packed with a self-paced lesson, a group 2-hour or 4-hour teacher/counselor-led curriculum, quitting resources, and more!
Click here to access the one-page flyer that breaks down the program and explains both MY and OUR Healthy Futures.
Data Dashboard – For Educators
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford’s REACH Lab has developed and launched a data dashboard for educators, where you can see, in real time, anonymous student survey responses related to the curriculum and interventions you are implementing.
Click here to access the one-page flyer that explains what to expect.
Stanford REACH Lab Trainings
Stanford REACH Lab
Here you can see and access a list of all upcoming Stanford REACH Lab training – all free!
Reports & Studies
Striving Towards Equity: A Scoping Review of E-Cigarettes, Heated Tobacco Products and Tobacco-Related Disparities,
Supplemental video by The Institute for Global Tobacco Control at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Best Practices User Guides: Youth Engagement in Tobacco Prevention and Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Broken Promises to Our Children
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
A State-by-State Look at the 1998 State Tobacco Settlement.
While You Were Streaming
Truth Initiative
Tobacco Use Sees a Renormalization in On-Demand Digital Content, Diluting Progress in Broadcast & Theaters
The Flavor Trap
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
This report documents the widespread availability of these flavored other tobacco products and the scientific evidence demonstrating that flavors play a critical role in the popularity of these products among youth.
2016 Surgeon General’s Report: E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
An easy to read summary of the major findings of the first Surgeon General’s report on e-cigarettes and youth.
Truth Initiative
Smoking is prevalent and often glamorized in video games popular among youth, according to Played: Smoking and Video Games, a review of research from Truth Initiative.
Truth Initiative
than eight of 10 youth and young adults saw e-cigarette advertising in
2015, according to Vaporized: Youth and Young Adult Exposure to
E-Cigarette Marketing, a new report from Truth Initiative.
Let’s Make the Next Generation Tobacco-Free: Your Guide to the 50th Anniversary Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
An easy to read summary of the major findings of the 2014 Surgeon General’s Report
Point of Sale Report to the Nation
Counter Tobacco
Point-of-Sale Report to the Nation is a series of reports released by
researchers that shine a light on what’s currently happening in the US
retail environment. Uncover the latest information about US tobacco
retailer density, product availability, industry POS marketing tactics
and the policy activity taking place to address these issues.
Webinar Recordings
Authentic Youth Engagement 2023
Collaboration between the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and Truth Initiative
Youth Engagement During the COVID-19 Crisis
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids & Truth Initiative
Understanding & Addressing the E-Cigarette Epidemic through School-Based Policy
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Kansas Department of Health & Environment, and the Public Health Law Center
Back to School & JUUL
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids & Youth Engagement Alliance Leadership Team
Writing a Successful Conference Abstract
National Network of Public Health Institutes
Tobacco in Popular Culture
Truth Initiative
Engagement Opportunities
Take Down Tobacco:
National Day of Action
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
A national day of
activism where youth and adults stand up and speak out against Big Tobacco.
World No Tobacco Day
The World Health Organization
global call to highlight the health risks of tobacco.
Great American Smoke Out
Cancer Society
A day for smokers to stop using tobacco and learn about the resources to help
them stay quit.
International Week of Action
Smoke Free Movies
chance for youth groups, parent groups, health organizations and
consumer alliances in different countries to pressure the globalized
film and tobacco industries in a highly coordinated way during the week
of the Academy Awards.
National Drugs & Alcohol Facts Week
National Institute on
Drug Abuse
National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) is a national health observance
for teens to promote local events that use NIDA science to SHATTER THE
MYTHS about drugs, including tobacco.
Youth Advocates
of the Year Awards
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
top young leaders from across the country who have fought hard to
promote tobacco legislation, expose tobacco marketing to kids and keep
peers from using tobacco. Youth winners serve as Youth Ambassadors for
Tobacco-Free Kids for a year-long term and receive training and
leadership opportunities.
truth® Ambassadors
Truth Initiative
Initiative is looking for 10 young adult truth Ambassadors who are
passionate about tobacco control and would like to develop a project
that inspires smoke free communities on a national scale. Participants
will receive a stipend and financial support for their project.
Find Youth Programs in Your State
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